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consumer choice中文是什么意思

用"consumer choice"造句"consumer choice"怎么读"consumer choice" in a sentence


  • 消费者选择


  • Consumer choice , responsiveness and participation
  • Study of impacts from regret and uncertainty on consumer choice
  • Providing reliable cost and quality information empowers consumer choice
  • " it should be consumer choice ; and if that ' s the way they vote , that ' s something we ' ll have to consider .
  • The review also sets out policies to guide shifts in investment and consumer choice towards low - carbon and high - efficiency products
  • Consumer choice creates incentives at all levels , and motivates the entire system to provide better care for less money
  • Both seem eminently sensible ways for consumers to benefit from the ever expanding range of products designed to enhance health and expand consumer choice
  • " aside from the obvious food safety benefits , behind the scenes , better traceability can also lead to better product quality and more consumer choice
  • Consumer choice has two related parts : the study of the consumer ' s preferences , and the analysis of the budget line , which constrains the choices a person can make
  • Of course there are difficulties in workplaces which are also someone s home , such as in nursing homes , or in pubs , where there is an element of consumer choice
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
用"consumer choice"造句  


In microeconomics, the theory of consumer choice relates preferences (for the consumption of both goods and services) to consumption expenditures; ultimately, this relationship between preferences and consumption expenditures is used to relate preferences to consumer demand curves. The link between personal preferences, consumption, and the demand curve is one of the most closely studied relations in economics.
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